Tag: Restricted Stock Units

RSUs Part 3: RSU Mistakes to Avoid (Ep. 12)

RSUs Part 3: RSU Mistakes to Avoid (Ep. 12)

Could you be avoiding the common mistakes made with RSUs?

The MedTech Wealth Advisor Podcast culminates its RSU series with a compelling finale. Hosted by Matt Nelson, CFP® and guest Jacob LaRue, CFP® (can we even call him a guest anymore?). They continue building on the foundational knowledge from Parts 1 and 2, digging deeper into the strategic management while pointing out specific mistakes to avoid.

Key Highlights:

  • In-Depth RSU Insights: Dive into a detailed exploration of grant and vesting triggers, uncovering common misunderstandings and their costly consequences
  • Strategic Selling Post-Vesting: Learn the art of selling RSUs and how to strategically align sales with personal financial goals and market timing
  • Navigating Tax Complexities: Unravel the intricacies of RSU tax withholding, learning strategies to manage supplemental rates and avoid tax liability surprises
  • Mitigating Early Termination Risks: Understand how employment changes can affect RSU vesting and discover tactics to protect your assets
  • Real-Life Impact: Julie’s story, a cautionary tale of financial loss due to inadequate RSU management, is dissected – offering valuable lessons for all MedTech professionals
  • And much more!



Connect with Matt Nelson:    

Connect with Jacob LaRue:    

 Connect with Perspective 6 Group:        

RSUs Part 2: How To Transform RSUs into Wealth (Ep. 10)

RSUs Part 2: How To Transform RSUs into Wealth (Ep. 10)

Are Restricted Stock Units (RSUs) just a fancy bonus, or a wealth-building tool?

Building on the foundational knowledge from Part 1, this episode of the MedTech Wealth Advisor Podcast digs deeper into the strategic management of Restricted Stock Units (RSUs). Join host Matt Nelson and financial planner Jacob LaRue as they further explore the nuances of RSUs, offering advanced strategies for professionals looking to fine-tune their financial strategy.

Key Discussion Points:

  • Balancing RSUs with Overall Financial Goals: Matt and Jacob discuss integrating RSU strategies with broader financial plans, emphasizing diversification and risk management
  • Tax Optimization Techniques: Detailed exploration of how to minimize the tax impact of RSUs, including alignment with other financial events and tax strategies
  • RSUs in Changing Market Conditions: Insights into managing RSUs amidst stock market volatility, including tactics for when to hold or sell
  • Long-term RSU Planning for Career Moves: Strategies for handling RSUs during job transitions, including considerations for public versus private company RSUs
  • And much more!



Connect with Matt Nelson:  

Connect with Jacob LaRue:  

 Connect with Perspective 6 Group: